3 Back-to-School Tips for the 2023-2024 School Year
The Best Visual Schedule for Kids A couple of weeks ago, my almost-twelve year-old daughter served me a giant slice of humble pie. We moved to Oregon from California earlier...
The Best Visual Schedule for Kids A couple of weeks ago, my almost-twelve year-old daughter served me a giant slice of humble pie. We moved to Oregon from California earlier...
When we think of chronic health conditions, we typically think of conditions that greatly affect an adult’s life and ability to work. However, chronic health issues also affect roughly 25%...
Help Kids Cope with Divorce Divorce and separation can be traumatic for anyone involved, even and especially children and young ones. A 2017 study found that children in step, blended,...
Cancer is the “big bad,” instilling fear in hearts and worry from loved ones. Helping and caring for a child with cancer is already a herculean task, but helping the...
The word cancer can instantly instill feelings of fear, discomfort, and anxiety. And this is doubly so when it comes to our children. Cancer is the leading cause of death...
While we wish the best for our friends, family, and especially our children, the truth is that hardships come in every lifetime. Coping skills and coping flexibility are essential for your...
Many of us wish we could return to our childhood when times seemed simpler and responsibilities were few and far between. And yet, mental health disorders remain the most common...
Wondering what to get someone who is going through chemo? Through my cancer treatment, I was lucky to have a lot of amazing people come out of the woodwork and...
A lot of people ask me how they can support a friend who is going through something hard, and the answer is almost always about reducing their stress by reducing...
What is Growth Mindset? Growth mindset is basically the idea that if we work hard, we are able to develop skills that will help us succeed. Instead of giving up...
Whether your child is dealing with big feelings resulting from a divorce, the loss of a loved one, or a major health scare, spending time with animals can help them...
Friends, sometimes life is hard. Sometimes you just think to yourself, “why me?” For a lot of us, it might go something like this: Everything SUCKS and I am so...
Last night something magical happened. A while back, I connected online with a woman named Jillian, who is a survivor of acute myeloid leukemia, and a fellow mom. Jillian has...
My son Samuel was diagnosed at two and a half with a brain tumor. When we learned about his diagnosis, I went on a search for a book to help...
Back in the day, summer vacation meant camp, hanging out with other kids, swimming in public pools, and theme parks. This summer, on the other hand, looks like lots of...
When I started writing and illustrating children's books, I knew it was important to make sure my characters were racially diverse. It's super important that kids feel seen in the...