Episode 43: No One Likes to Be Surprised
We all want to know what we can expect when we're entering a new situation — who will be there? What's expected of us? Our kids are no different. Find...
We live in an uncertain world, and we need mental health skills just to make it through the day. But how do we teach these essential skills to our kids when we're totally struggling ourselves?!
That's the question, and your host Sara Olsher is here to get you the answers. Because while there are a lot of things we can't control, there are also a lot of things we can.
This podcast focuses on taking research-backed, expert advice and distilling it into actionable takeaways. The goal is to make your life easier and not stress you out.
We all want to know what we can expect when we're entering a new situation — who will be there? What's expected of us? Our kids are no different. Find...
Kids know that they're made from both of their parents — even if that connection isn't biological. What happens when parents divorce, and the kids feel like you hate their other...
I have a friend who has always made "crazy" decisions, like working for questionable startups and jumping off tall buildings. One day, I realized that I always looked at him...
When something happens to us — either an ongoing traumatic experience or a single incident — there are many ways to deal with it. I read something recently that reminded me...
When kids are having a tough time, they don't come to us and calmly say, "I am struggling and could use some assistance." They melt down, they sass . ....
Many of us label various emotions as "good" and "bad." Joy is "good" and anger or sadness are "bad." In this short episode, I share how I realized that I...
Studies show that good parenting and good relationships don't come from being perfect. They come from repairing when we mess up. Today, we're talking about apologizing to our kids and...
This month, we're talking about accepting help and coping with pity. Why do we have such a hard time accepting help? Contact Sara Mighty + Bright's Instagram @mightyandbrightco Transcript:[00:00:00] Today,...
There are people who truly want to help, and then there are "grief tourists" who are in it because helping makes them feel good about themselves. What do you do...
Asking for help is vulnerable. What if we open ourselves up for help and no one shows up? Today, let's talk about how to move past fear and ask for...
"I don't want anyone's pity." Ever said that to yourself? This month, I'm talking about accepting help, and what keeps us from accepting us. Today, it's about the difference between...
Did you know cancer is a disability? Once it's over, it's never actually over. This is what it's like to live with a disability — and what you can apply...
During my divorce, I replaced my old dresser with a new one at no cost. During cancer, I became obsessed with replacing my couch. I got rid of all my books....
Contact Sara Mighty + Bright's Instagram @mightyandbrightco Episode 27: Surviving a Long Period of SUCK Transcript: [00:00:02] I want to talk to you today about using charts or strategies to...
Contact Sara Mighty + Bright's Instagram @mightyandbrightco Transcript: Have you ever noticed how your mind gets when you're anxious, running 10 million miles an hour? Kids are exactly the...
Contact Sara Mighty + Bright's Instagram @mightyandbrightco Transcript: [00:00:00] For this morning's podcast, I'm going to do something a little bit different. Instead of being in my office, I am...